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Research groups
Chris Williams
Senior Post-doctoral Immunologist
Biswas Group
I work on clinical trials conducted to develop novel transmission blocking malaria vaccines, led by Professor Sumi Biswas, on both Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax. This includes both Phase 1 safety and immunogenicity studies.
My principal role is the characterisation of cellular and humoral immune responses to vaccination to determine vaccine immunogenicity and efficacy. As part of my role, I work closely with collaborating field sites in Africa.
Prior to joining the Jenner Institute, I obtained my MSc in Parasitology at the University of Glasgow, before completing my PhD with Prof Terry Smith, at the University of St Andrews, where I investigated GPI-anchor biosynthesis as a drug target in P. falciparum. After which, I joined an Oxfordshire based Immunotherapy company, working on identification and characterisation of novel T-cell receptors, to aid development of T-cell therapies.