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There are several other funding opportunities if you interested in undertaking a PhD at the Jenner Institute. While the Institute does not itself fund studentships, please study the below options and follow the application procedures indicated for each funding option. Please remember to contact a potential supervisor well in advance of the deadline so there is time to review your CV and to agree on a possible project if your application is successful.

You can also consult the University's fees, funding and scholarship search facility.

NDM Prize Studentship

As part of the Nuffield Department of Medicine, the Jenner Institute offers doctoral studies through the NDM Prize Studentships. These are fully-funded awards and are open to outstanding candidates from any country without restriction. Both subject specific and generic training in research skills will be provided.

Specific training will be available in molecular biology, vector construction, virology, immunization techniques, a large variety of immunoassays, parasitology, statistical analysis of data and experimental design. The Institute's activities spanning vaccinology, immunology and human genetics will provide exposure to a broad range of research and development activities in the biomedical sciences.

To apply for an NDM Studentship please send your CV to the relevant supervisor to express your interest and follow the application procedures outlined on the webpage.


The NDM Tropical Network Fund is aimed at supporting high quality candidates to achieve a DPhil through the University of Oxford. The fund provides fee only funding for up to 12 students per year with stipend and research costs provided by the Programme/research group. The fund is aimed primarily at LMIC students. Candidates for the funding will be selected through competition. The scheme provides fee funding but candidates will need to apply and be accepted as a student by the University. All eligible applicants who apply by the January deadline will automatically be considered for this funding.

china scholarship council - ndm scholarships

The University of Oxford offers a number of scholarships to Chinese students who demonstrate both academic excellence and leadership potential jointly with the China Scholarship Council (on behalf of the Chinese Ministry of Education).

Wellcome Trust 4-year rotational programme

This Wellcome Trust funded PhD in Infection Immunology and Translational Medicine offers the student the opportunity of working in three different laboratories within the first year of study to tailor an individual student package. Students can then make an informed choice about where to undertake their thesis research project for the subsequent three years.

The choice of laboratories for the PhD is made from a list of over 40 world class supervisors, several of whom are researchers at the Jenner Institute.

NIH and Oxford Scholarship Program

This scheme provides opportunities for the most promising postgraduate students from the United States to undertake collaborative four-year PhD training based in both Oxford and the intramural campus of the National Institutes of Health at Bethesda (Maryland, USA).

More details are available at NIH-Oxford-Cambridge Scholars' Programme.

Other studentship opportunities

Additional funding sources are listed here: