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The Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics
Roosevelt Drive
Oxford, OX3 7BN

Reception: +44 (0)1865 287500

Map of the Old Road Campus

The Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics is a research institute of the University of Oxford, located on the Old Road Campus, Headington. The Centre is situated next to the Jenner Institute Laboratories. The Centre is composed of 48 research groups that work to understand the genetic foundations of human variation and disease.

The Hill Group, lead by Jenner Institute Director Adrian Hill, conducts research into the Genetic Susceptibility to Infectious Diseases, in collaboration with Jenner immunologists and vaccine researchers. The aim is to identify genes that affect how well new vaccines work in different individuals.

The Centre's other groups work in a variety of fields, developing and applying statistical, computational, and experimental methods to a wide range of medical conditions. The main areas of research include: bioinformatics, cardiovascular disease, genomics, immunity and inflammation, metabolism, neurogenetics, statistical genetics and transgenics.

The overall aims of the Centre's research is to identify the genes and DNA variants involved in various diseases, in order to:

  • Understand how DNA variants may contribute to risk of disease
  • Understand how genetic factors contribute to a disease process
  • Develop statistical and experimental research tools

The Centre's researchers work in multidisciplinary teams in human genetics, functional genomics, bioinformatics, statistical genetics, genomic epidemiology and structural biology, and in collaboration with research groups across the world.
