The Impact of Vaccination and Prior Exposure on Stool Shedding of Salmonella Typhi and Salmonella Paratyphi in 6 Controlled Human Infection Studies
Gibani MM., Voysey M., Jin C., Jones C., Thomaides-Brears H., Jones E., Baker P., Morgan M., Simmons A., Gordon MA., Cerundolo V., Pitzer VE., Angus B., Levine MM., Darton TC., Pollard AJ.
<jats:p>Six Salmonella Typhi or Paratyphi human challenge studies were conducted, and daily stool cultures performed. Vi-containing vaccines reduced bacterial shedding, Ty21a or an experimental vaccine did not. Higher Vi immunoglobulin G titers were associated with reduced shedding.</jats:p>